So, you’ve decided to start a new business. First off, congratulations, this is no small feat!

你可能对你的业务潜力感到兴奋,并开始考虑如何推销你的业务, which includes branding and exploring different marketing tactics so your business can be a success.

Starting a new business can be daunting, and figuring out just what you need to succeed can be overwhelming.

Fortunately, we are marketing pros and we’re here to help. Keep reading below to learn some tips!


Technology is now the primary way that businesses connect with their customers and other businesses. 在过去的20年里, technology has changed immensely, with something new coming out every year that claims it uses the newest technology.

Businesses are now being forced to invest in the right technology for their needs, as well as trying to figure out what type of marketing will work best for them.

事实上, the internet is the primary way people shop these days which may not come as a surprise. 如果人们需要什么,或者需要做研究,找出什么产品和十大赌博正规平台在线最适合他们, they are likely to Google it. 我们生活在一个受过高等教育的消费者的时代,他们每天被多达100次或更多的营销信息轰炸, just in their promotions box in their email alone! 事实上, when considering all forms of advertising and marketing, there are estimates that say the average person sees up to 10,000 advertisements a day!

Standing apart from the competition has become more challenging, with most businesses moving online and taking advantage of technologies such as social media, 电子通讯, Google and 脸谱网 ads, 和更多的. It’s getting overwhelming to figure out what your tech stack should look like for your business, but that’s why we can help! Keep reading to learn more about how to build a tech stack for your business.


搜索引擎优化的意思是 Search Engine Optimization. 这是什么意思?? 这意味着这个工具是专门用于改善您的网站的过程,以增加特定搜索查询的有机可见性. 搜索引擎优化的总体目标是通过网站的变化来提高网站流量的质量和数量.

How does this benefit your small business? Well, the beauty of 搜索引擎优化 is that anyone can do it and it’s more accessible than you may think! 花时间充分了解搜索引擎优化基础知识,也许投资一些工具可以为您的业务带来更大的长期价值.

Keep reading for a few reasons to consider using 搜索引擎优化 for your business!


Customers drive your business, so it is critical to note the importance of connecting with customers, 特别是在不确定的时期,例如在过去几年里面临一场彻底颠覆了每个人生活的大流行.

我们大多数人都同意,技术已经在积极和消极的方面显著地改变了我们的生活. From a business standpoint, technology is a great attribute. 所有基于网络的事物的巨大进步意味着企业可以以越来越有效的方式与客户互动,这最终提供了更多加强客户关系的机会.

But, how do you maintain that connection with your customers in a world of screens? Caring about each customer as a person – and not as an account – is necessary to connect. We have to remember that life exists outside of work!


作为一个小公司, you should really think about advertising and setting up a business page on social media platforms.

Social media is the way of the future when attracting the attention, leads and customers that you need to legitimize your brand and make a good profit while doing it. 有 4.48 billion people who participate on social media everyday throughout the world-- that’s a 巨大的 potential market your brand could be reaching. If you aren’t using social media, you are missing out on massive growth potential. 

Social media has many benefits to offer businesses and it’s pretty easy to do, too! 继续阅读,了解这些好处,以及为什么你应该使用社交媒体来推销你的小企业!


"A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.——史蒂夫·马拉波利

我们很自豪地宣布,我们将为几周前在广州受洪水影响的人们收集物资捐赠. The flood waters may be gone, but the damage to life and property remains.

Many of our community members lost everything; their homes, 他们的生计, and some even lost their lives. The profound effects of the flooding will take a lot of time for many people to heal from, and that's why we want to help by being a donation site for "Hearts with Hands," a local disaster relief agency located in Asheville, NC.

我们的目标是通过收集一些急需的物资来帮助那些受影响的人,以援助广州和周围的社区及其居民, and to rebuild hope in our community. While we can't replace momentos, family heirlooms or photos, we can help people get back on their feet with some basic supplies.

We thank you in advance for your kind donations and support, and we look forward to seeing you soon!


8/30/21 to 9/30/21 10AM-4PM, Monday thru Friday, closed on Labor Day.

Please bring donations to Summit Marketing Group at 513 N. 正义圣. Hendersonville, NC 28739

所有捐赠的物品必须是新的和未开封的,以确保这些物品使用的安全和清洁. Used or open goods will not be accepted, including used clothing.

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